Is Botox truly capable of treating chronic migraines, this unlikely pair may just be what you never knew you needed. Traveling all the way from Hollywood into our everyday lives, it seems the more we learn about Botox, the more versatile it becomes!
Botox for Migraines – Here’s What You Need to Know
Back in 2000, the use of Botox was initially introduced as a potential migraine treatment. The reason is that many patients who had the cosmetic treatment performed began experiencing migraine relief. Years later, in 2010, two substantial studies showed a high enough success rate that the FDA approved the use of Botox for chronic migraine patients. So, how does it work? Botulinum toxin (BoNT) or more commonly referred to as Botox, is a neurotoxin made by the bacteria that generates botulism. When this toxin is purified and used in micro-doses for targeted areas, it can minimize muscle contractions provisionally for about 3-4 months.

Does Botox Manage Occasional Headaches?
As of right now, Botox is only FDA-approved to target chronic migraines. When you experience more than 15 headache days in one month, you are believed to suffer chronically from migraines. Botox is not recommended for those dealing with less frequent headaches or migraines. It’s important to note that good things take time. Living in an instant gratification world can lead us to expect great results in a short amount of time. Botox generally starts to take effect in 3-5 days, but the full results won’t be apparent for 7-10 days after treatment. The results from a Botox treatment can typically last anywhere between 10-12 weeks.
What to Expect Your First Time
Your first visit for Botox treatment should be relatively short. The focus will be helping to create the appropriate treatment strategy and answering any questions to put you at ease. Your provider will inject mini amounts of Botox into the superficial muscles of the skin using a fine micro-needle, usually involving a total of about 31 needle injections in crucial areas of your head and neck. While receiving your treatment, you may feel a slight stinging sensation at the injection site. Side effects are uncommon but using an ice pack is recommended to aid in the avoidance of a sore neck or discomfort post-appointment.

Botox has proven more effective in relieving migraines than many. other forms of treatment. We at KPW Health aim to help you live a pain-free life. Visit our site for more information or contact us at: 727.230.3423 to schedule your appointment today. Feeling better about tomorrow can start today!